Teaching with intent
Teachers shape the mathematical activity and learning of their students. We want all teachers to “Teach with Intent” so that all students can engage meaningfully in mathematics, through:

Deep connected learning
Ensure deep connected learning by:
- Focusing learning on powerful mathematical ideas that grow in complexity and sophistication across the curriculum.
- Building students’ mathematical proficiency.
- Supporting students to make connections within mathematics, to other learning areas, and to real world applications.
Learning through inquiry
Engage students in mathematical inquiry as they:
- Explore specialised examples of mathematical ideas through meaningful mathematical tasks.
- Conjecture and ask questions about what is noticed.
- Generalise based on mathematical patterns and relationships noticed.
- Justify conjectures and generalisations.
- Represent mathematical thinking and understanding using multiple forms.
Learning in community
Create a collaborative learning community to:
- Develop classroom taken-as-shared understandings through meaningful mathematical activity.
- Orchestrate purposeful mathematical discourse in small groups and as a whole class.