Year 2

Statistics: Climb, slide or swing?

Students investigate the problem of designing a class playground that is fun for everyone. They plan, collect, record and analyse survey data to conclude what playground features students would like.

'Statistics: Climb, slide or swing?' is one of our new teaching sequences for V9

  • On the 'Sequence overview' tab you'll find all the lessons in this sequence, a suggested implementation plan and curriculum alignment.
  • The 'Our design decisions' tab shows how key mathematical ideas develop over the sequence, and feature an overview video to explain the sequence design.
  • Have you taught this sequence? Use the Feedback button to let us know how it went!

Tasks in this sequence

Year 2

Lesson 1 • Designing a playground

Students design a playground that they imagine is fun for everyone.

Task 1
Statistics: Climb, slide or swing?
Year 2

Lesson 2 • What’s your favourite activity?

Students conduct a survey to find what each member of the class likes to do in the playground.

Task 2
Statistics: Climb, slide or swing?
Year 2

Lesson 3 • Playground data posters

Students represent the survey data as a poster.

Task 3
Statistics: Climb, slide or swing?
Year 2

Lesson 4 • Our playground story

Students collect data using a survey. They use the data to design a new playground where everyone can have fun.

Task 4
Statistics: Climb, slide or swing?
Year 2

Lesson 5 • A playground for our class

Students compare their imagined and data-informed playground designs to see the impact of the data on their decisions.

Task 5
Statistics: Climb, slide or swing?

Suggested implementation

This time plan is just one way that you might choose to implement this sequence. We have based this plan on 50-minute lessons and the timings provided in the lessons’ documentation align with this implementation advice.


Lesson 1 • Designing a playground


  • Playground fun
  • Playground drawing

Lesson 2 • Favourite activities

Plan & Data

  • Sharing and categorising
  • Surveying our class
  • Surveying the class again

Lesson 3 • Playground data posters

Data & Analyse

  • Organising data
  • Gallery walk

Lesson 4 • Our playground story

Analyse & Conclusion

  • Students as data
  • Telling the story

Lesson 5 • A playground for our class

Analyse & Conclusion

  • Gallery walk
  • Our data
  • Our data story

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Curriculum and syllabus alignment

Achievement standards

Students use a range of methods to collect, record, represent and interpret categorical data in response to questions.

Australian Curriculum V9 alignment
