
Counting: Handfuls

Students take a handful of counters, count their handful, then find ways to organise their collection to make the total easier to count.

This is a classic reSolve sequence aligned with the Australian Curriculum V8.4. It is only available as a downloadable package.

Explore our new sequences for Foundation aligned to AC V9

Students consider ways of structuring a collection so that the total can be quickly identified. This task focuses on building counting skills, particularly students' ability to subitise a collection. They will see that some arrangements allow the number in the collection to be identfied more quickly than do other arrangements.

This task is for students who:

  • have developed early counting skills, including one-to-one correspondence and cardinality.
  • have confidence and accuracy when counting a collection of objects up to at least 20.
  • have had some exposure to activities involving subitising.


Lesson 1: Handfuls

This task asks students to take a ‘handful’ of counters and to count how many they have. They are asked to organise their count in a way that makes it easy to see the total of the collection. Students participate in a gallery walk and consider the way that others in class have arranged their collection. The benefits of different arrangements are considered. Students are then provided the opportunity to re-organise their collection.


Last updated June 12 2020.

This is a classic reSolve sequence aligned with the Australian Curriculum V8.4. It is only available as a downloadable package.

Teacher tools

Our new all-online sequence Number: Taking handfuls adapts and extends the ideas in this sequence. Number: Taking handfuls is aligned to the Australian Curriculum V9 and contains embedded professional learning and supplementary teacher advice.


Number: Taking handfuls

Students learn to use subitisable groups and benchmark numbers to quantify and compare collections up to 20.