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Pedagogical toolbox
Teaching sequences
Mathematics content
About reSolve
Pedagogical toolbox
Our pedagogical approach
Pedagogical tools
Teaching sequences
New sequences (AC V9)
Explore our new interactive primary maths sequences with integrated professional learning, aligned with the Australian Curriculum V9.
Classic sequences (AC V8.4)
Browse and download our classic Foundation to Year 10 sequences aligned with the Australian Curriculum V8.4.
Mathematics content
Place value
Additive reasoning
Multiplication and division
About reSolve
About the program
reSolve is the Australian Academy of Science's mathematics education program.
Using the new reSolve website
Take a quick tour of the new website and learn how to get the most out of the key features.
The reSolve team
Meet the designers behind reSolve.
Our evidence-informed approach
Our digital educative teaching resources draw on an extensive body of research.
Curriculum and syllabus alignment
Adapt reSolve resources to fit your syllabus or curriculum needs.
Get involved
Join our community of educator collaborators and help us field test our new resources and platforms.
Get involved
Contact us
Australian Academy of Science Education
Primary Connections Science
What are you looking for?
Our pedagogical approach
Pedagogical tools
New sequences (AC V9)
Explore our new interactive primary maths sequences with integrated professional learning, aligned with the Australian Curriculum V9.
Classic sequences (AC V8.4)
Browse and download our classic Foundation to Year 10 sequences aligned with the Australian Curriculum V8.4.
Place value
Additive reasoning
Multiplication and division
About the program
reSolve is the Australian Academy of Science's mathematics education program.
Using the new reSolve website
Take a quick tour of the new website and learn how to get the most out of the key features.
The reSolve team
Meet the designers behind reSolve.
Our evidence-informed approach
Our digital educative teaching resources draw on an extensive body of research.
Curriculum and syllabus alignment
Adapt reSolve resources to fit your syllabus or curriculum needs.
Get involved
Join our community of educator collaborators and help us field test our new resources and platforms.
Mathematics content
Additive reasoning
Additive reasoning
Coming soon
Coming soon
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