Statistics: Origami frogs
View Sequence overviewWe collect data to answer questions that we are investigating.
Whole class
Origami frogs PowerPoint
Each group
Metre rulers and measuring tapes
Students’ origami frogs made in Lesson 1
Show students slide 11 of the Origami frogs PowerPoint which presents the PPDAC statistical investigation process.
Revise: We have our problem to investigate: How far can an origami frog jump?. We have a plan and now we need to collect data.
Show students slide 9 and remind students of the jumping and measuring protocols.
Ask the students to return to their groups. Explain that they need to take turns in their group and work cooperatively so that each student collects data from four jumps from their origami frog. This means that each group of 3-4 students will end up with data from 12 to 16 frog jumps. Jumps should be measured to the closest centimeter.
Provide students with time to collect their data.