Classic sequences for AC V8.4

Browse and download our classic Foundation to Year 10 sequences, aligned with the Australian Curriculum V8.4.

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Year 8

Algebra: Think of a Number (Linear Equations)

Students examine "Think of a Number" tricks and model them visually and algebraically.

Number and Algebra
Year 8

Area of a Circle

Students investigate different demonstrations for the formula for the area of a circle.

Measurement and Geometry
Year 8


Students create polygons with specific properties, and establish algebraic generalisations about the angles of the polygons.

Measurement and Geometry
Year 8

Fibonacci Miles

Students discover that the Fibonacci sequence can be used to convert between miles and kilometres, and investigate why this is.

Number and Algebra
Year 8

Mechanical Linkages: Quadrilaterals

Students investigate how tools such as car jacks and scissor lifts move. Physical and software models show how parallelograms and rhombuses are involved.

Measurement and Geometry
Year 8

Polygon Pieces

Students cut convex polygons in two and create an algebraic formula for the number of sides of the resulting shapes.

Measurement and Geometry
Year 8

Quarter Cartons

Students fold boxes from proportional paper rectangles then use algebraic reasoning to compare the boxes.

Measurement and Geometry
Year 8

Rational Tangles

Students learn a "dance" with ropes that can be used to generate any rational number. They investigate and justify the properties of this "dance".

Number and Algebra
Year 8

Sports Salaries

Students use real NBA salary data to investigate variation and spread. They graph data, calculate means and medians and construct arguments.

Statistics and Probability
Year 8

Working with Algebra

Students complete a series of open-ended and mathematically interesting challenges centred on fluency and conceptual understanding in algebra.

Number and Algebra
Year 9

Algebra: Think of a Number (Linear and Binomial Equations)

Students examine "Think of a Number" tricks and model them visually and algebraically.

Number and Algebra
Year 9

Geometry: Lunch Lap

Students use a range of physical and digital technologies to model and explore a practical geometric problem.

Measurement and Geometry
Year 9

Gradient and Tangent

Students investigate road grades to create connections between concepts of gradient, angle of elevation and tangent.

Measurement and Geometry
Year 9

Hot Streaks

Students identify whether sequences of coinflips are truly randomly generated or fake. They investigate the "hot hand" phenomenon in basketball.

Statistics and Probability
Year 9

Mathematical Modelling: Cornering

Students use paper models, bikes and software to examine how long vehicles turn corners. They report implications for road design and road safety.

Measurement and Geometry