Year 4

Multiplication: Trays of arrays

Students learn to use the properties of multiplication to solve multiplication problems which are represented as an array.

'Multiplication: Trays of arrays' is one of our new teaching sequences for V9

  • On the 'Sequence overview' tab you'll find all the tasks in this sequence, a suggested implementation plan and curriculum alignment.
  • The 'Our design decisions' tab shows how key mathematical ideas develop over the sequence.
  • Have you taught this sequence? Use the Feedback button to let us know how it went!

Tasks in this sequence

Year 4

Task 1 • How many cupcakes?

Students learn that an array can be partitioned into smaller arrays to help work how many there are altogether.

Task 1
Multiplication: Trays of arrays
Year 4

Task 2 • How many bread rolls?

Students learn that factors can be partitioned and distributed to make partial products in multiplication.

Task 2
Multiplication: Trays of arrays
Year 4

Task 3 • How can I work it out?

Students build their understanding of the distributive property.

Task 3
Multiplication: Trays of arrays
Students considering
Year 4

Task 4 • Packing rolls

Students learn that when multiplying two numbers, halving one number and doubling the other does not change the product.

Task 4
Multiplication: Trays of arrays
Year 4

Task 5 • Packing cakes

Students learn that when multiplying a set of numbers, the product is the same no matter how the numbers are grouped.

Task 5
Multiplication: Trays of arrays
Year 4

Task 6 • Transforming arrays

Students complete an activity with arrays to build their understanding of the associative property.

Task 6
Multiplication: Trays of arrays
Student working
Year 4

Task 7 • Card sort

Students complete a card sort activity to consolidate their understanding of the distributive and associative properties of multiplication.

Task 7
Multiplication: Trays of arrays
Students discuss array cards

Suggested implementation

This time plan is just one way that you might choose to implement this sequence. We have used a warm-up activity at the start of most lessons, and a number of tasks are split across two lessons. The timing provided in the tasks’ documentation align with this implementation advice.

This time plan is just one way that you might choose to implement this sequence. We have based this plan on 50-minute lessons, with some tasks split across two lessons. The timing provided in the tasks’ documentation align with this implementation advice.

 Week 1Week 2

Task 1 • How many cupcakes?

  • Launch and Explore
  • Gallery walk

Task 4 • Packing rolls

  • Launch and Explore
  • Connect
  • Summarise

Task 1 • How many cupcakes?

  • Connect
  • Summarise

Task 5 • Packing cakes

  • Launch and Explore
  • Connect
  • Summarise

Task 2 • How many bread rolls?

  • Launch and Explore
  • Connect
  • Summarise

Task 6 • Transforming arrays

  • Number string
  • Complete the activity Transforming arrays

Task 3 • How can I work it out?

  • Number string
  • Complete the activity How can I work it out?

Task 6 • Transforming arrays

  • Number string

Task 7 • Card sort

  • Complete the card sort activity

Task 3 • How can I work it out?

  • Number string
  • Gallery walk and discussion

Task 7 • Card sort

  • Create your own card sort activity


Curriculum and syllabus alignment

Achievement standards

Students use their proficiency with addition and multiplication facts to add and subtract, multiply and divide numbers efficiently.

Australian Curriculum V9 alignment

